Thursday, September 15, 2011

Earliest memory of school

My earliest memories of school are when I was in 4th grade in Martin Luther King Jr. elementary school. I still remember, my mom woke me up at exactly 6:30 in the morning, gave me breakfast, and drop me in yellow school bus. I still remember my yellow bus number was 43. 4th grade is probably the most memorable school year for me because I finished my third grade in India, and started fourth grade in America. Since I did not understand any English, the dean of my elementary school enrolled me in ESL, Mrs. Ariz was my ESL teacher, and she taught me a lot. Unable to speak in English I was a shy kid, I hated to participate in class discussions, but I felt good in ESL class, because I met and made friend with many kids from different countries, who could not speak English. In fact, ESL was my best class in fourth and fifth grade. In ESL, we would all speak broken English, to try to help each other out. In free time, we would ask each other about their culture, country, and more. In few months, as I started to speak, write, read, and understand English, it was going really well for me in actual classes in my elementary school, I would not feel alone, or feel shy. I was interacting with fellow American classmates; many of them became my best friends. For me, Fourth grade was the most fun and most difficult grade. Not knowing English made it very difficult, but my first school year in an American school, making friends from other countries, and learning English made fourth grade even more exciting and fun for me.   

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